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Ir daemonbind

The Daemonbinder is a spellcaster who derives great might from the Abyss. Long centuries ago, Nar Daemonbinders dominated the lands of Impiltur and unholy relics survive to this very day. Those tempted by such powers follow in these footsteps, ensnaring vile daemons to command double-edged and unpredictable powers.

In working with the essence of evil, a Daemonbinder can expect neither refuge nor understanding from society.





Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP range
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Circle of Power, Daemonology 6±CON Modifier
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Daemon Binding, Wall of Force 12±CON Modifier
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Forbidding, Unholy Taint 18±CON Modifier
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Daemonic Host 24±CON Modifier

Not Accessible

Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP range
Fort Ref Will
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Dark Conjuration, Soul Shackles 30±CON Modifier
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Battle of Wills, Deny Plane 36±CON Modifier

A Note About the Obscurity of the Daemonbinder's Dark Arts[]

There are certain mechanics to the Daemonbinder prestige class which are purposefully not documented on the wiki, and these are centred around the powers of daemons which can be ensnared via the Circle of Power and subsequently used in either Daemon Binding (binding those trapped daemons to enchant non-magical items) or Daemonic Host (infusing trapped daemons into a living Host player character to enhance them). Specifically there is no information on which daemon essences you can find or what they do in different applications. The reason for this is a thematic representation of the nature of the abyss. There are people claiming there's a system to it, with layers that have specific characteristics and rulers and types of creature, but it's infinite and chaotic. Those who research it make models based on their best guesses and information, the word of chaotic evil denizens and the assumptions of those who came before them, as such nothing that can be read about it should be reliable information and so no OOC guidance is offered in regards to this mechanic either.

The class is not about developing/manifesting one specific power but rather about chaining these chaotic entities to objects or a body, the unpredictability and experimentation play into the class much better than looking up a list and instantly knowing what your new capture is best used for. Not that you won't figure it out in the end and know the best purpose for all dretches etc., in the same way that you work out how to kill certain enemies or what furniture has most value for weight - it is a process of trial and error which encourages exploration and engagement for those who undertake the journey into the dark arts of daemonology. One that is most certainly not without its risks, nor without its most devious and potent rewards.


  • Circle of Power - 1x/day, create a Summoning Circle to capture up to 5 Daemons from the Abyss. The circle also grants +2 AB to Evil and -2 AB to Good creatures.
  • Daemonology - Summon Creature spells are cast as Extended Spells, but only the Daemonic theme can be used. Any familiar becomes a Quasit.
  • Daemon Binding - Daemons captured by the Circle of Power can be used to enchant non-magical equipment. Such items gain power but are also cursed and explode after several hours or days. Items used by the Daemonbinder last 3x longer than those given away.
  • Wall of Force - 3x/day, attempt to Paralyze an evil Outsider for 1 round per class level.
  • Forbidding - 3x/day, attempt to Banish a group of evil Outsiders of fewer HD than the Daemonbinder.
  • Unholy Taint - Gain 10/- Electrical and 5/- Fire damage resistance.
  • Daemonic Host - Daemons captured by the Circle of Power can be used to enhance PCs. Affected creatures gain power but take damage when the effects end. Daemons possessing the Daemonbinder remain 3x longer.
  • Dark Conjuration - 2x/day, the Daemonbinder can cast a Quickened Summon Creature V.
  • Soul Shackles - Items worn by, and daemons possessing, the Daemonbinder deal 1d6 less damage. Daemonbinders can now contain 3 daemons at once as Daemonic Host instead of the usual 1.
  • Battle of Wills - Using up 1.5 charges of Wall of Force, attempt to Dominate a chaotic evil Outsider for 1 round per class level.
  • Deny Plane - Using up 1.5 charges of Forbidding, attempt to banish a chaotic evil Outsider of any HD. The daemon suffers -4 to their saving throw.

Class Route to Prestige[]

This assumes the character has only a single class to meet the requirements and is non-human before taking the prestige class (PrC). Human characters will have greater flexibility in regards to feat progression due to the extra feat granted at character creation by their racial bonus, Quick to Master. Some class routes to prestige may also favour multi-classing in order to more effectively meet pre-requisites or to better synergise the character's skill set to suit the PrC, however caution is advised as most PrCs have strict skill requirements and the wrong combination of classes (due to cross-classing of skills) may result in further delaying and reducing the levels of a prestige class obtainable or render it entirely unobtainable for the character.

Base Class Minimum Base Class Level Maximum Prestige Class Level Spellcraft Spell Penetration Greater Spell Penetration
Bard 6th Level 2nd Level 4th Level 3rd Level 6th Level
Sorcerer 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 3rd Level
Wizard 4th Level 4th Level 4th Level 1st Level 3rd Level


All prestige classes require a PC to met the real (unmodified) rank of a skill, refer to Skills for clarification, in order to progress into the prestige class.

Base Classes BarbarianBardCivilianDruidFighterMonkPaladinPriestRangerRogueSorcererWizard
Prestige Classes Arcane ArcherAssassinBlackguardBreach GuardDaemonbinderHarper ScoutHigh MagePale MasterShadowdancerShifterSkincarverSpirit CallerSword LeaderTriadic KnightWeapon MasterWild ShotWitch Hunter