The Easting Reach Wiki

Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many other races find them hauntingly beautiful.

Elven Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Con.

Favored Class (Wizard): A multiclass elf's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Special Abilities[]

  • Sleeplessness: Immune to spells and effects of the 'Sleep' subtype.
  • Hardiness vs. Enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells.
  • Bonus Weapon Proficiencies (Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow)
  • Skill Affinity (Perception): +2 racial bonus to Perception checks.
  • Skill Affinity (Search): +2 racial bonus to Search checks.
  • Keen Senses: Elves make active Search checks automatically and with no movement penalties.
  • Low-Light Vision: Allows them to see better than normal in the dark.


Elves have been rare in Impiltur after their disappearance from the Grey Forest, but since the start of the Retreat a few have journeyed east from Cormanthyr instead of following their kin. Drawing many stares for their alien appearance and habits, the elves of Impiltur have many a prejudice to overcome.

HumanDwarfHalflingHalf OrcGnomeElfHalf Elf