The Easting Reach Wiki
The Easting Reach Wiki
Ife racehate

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Ranger or Harper Scout level 1.

Specifics: The character gains a +2 bonus to any damage delivered to their favored enemy. They also receive a +2 modifier on skill checks against the favoured enemy. With the exception of Charisma-based skills, this is a bonus rather than a penalty. These bonuses improve by +2 for every 4 levels of Ranger.

Use: Automatic.


Creature Type: Elf

  • An elf is a slim and long-lived humanoid.

This category contains standard creatures of the elven race. Other elves — including player characters (PCs) — are often encountered while playing. Please note that the favoured enemy feat does not function against PCs in TER.