The Easting Reach Wiki

A compilation of general and miscellaneous tips and advice when playing in The Easting Reach or in regards to character builds.

Skills Advice[]

Use Magic Device[]

When playing a class or character focusing around this skill, the following may be kept in mind.

  • Use Magic Device (UMD) does not emulate levels. As for the target, most items have a value under 4800, and almost none will be over 100000. There's probably little benefit from going over 25 skill points, and 15 will cover most of your needs.


When playing a stealth-based character:

  • 15-20 skill points in Stealth is usually enough. You can make it harder on yourself by standing out in the open for a while, but if you move from cover to cover it'll tend to work out. Tiny creatures still swarm you, but otherwise it's rare to be spotted by more than one member of a group. Halflings effectively get +7 to their stealth from their small size, racial skill bonus and DEX increase, so it doesn't take a lot to make that work
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