The Easting Reach Wiki

TER is not a PvP arena. Classes are not balanced around it and PvP is not encouraged as a solution to IC problems. It is not forbidden either but we do ask you observe some rules.

For the sake of convenience, we assume PvP occurs between two player characters here. In reality situations may be more complex, but the same principles apply.

PvP should be avoidable, have a clear goal and clear rules. What these are is up to you, as appropriate to the circumstances. However, please note that consent does not mean that one party can just say 'no,' and leave it that - that is not the idea at all. We are looking to ensure that even the very threat of PvP has a meaningful impact on the narrative rather than giving any one party the ability to avoid all consequences - that is not the idea at all. This means if you are on the receiving end of a PvP initation you must properly acknowledge it and meet your opposition half-way in determining agreed upon outcomes.

Important: The General Rules are an older version of what has been established and may still be appriopriate; the condensed rules is the latest information regarding PvP.

General Rules[]

1. PvP should only take place when both sides have a realistic chance at victory. If this is not the case, both parties have a responsibility not to push the other too far. Making compromises is often unavoidable. If it seems the other side is unaware of the baiting effects of their actions, consider sending a tell or using a more elaborate emote as clarification. NOTE: Please keep in mind that PvP includes combat resolved through rolls - these rules are still to be abided to ensure mutual agreement, clear outcomes, and a smooth resolution.

2. Once it's clear that a sequence of events leads to PvP, each side must offer the other an unmistakable chance to resolve the conflict in a different manner. This could be a generous bribe, an unreasonable demand or anything inbetween.

3. Before starting PvP, decide on the rules of combat, the victory conditions and the consequences of both your victory and your defeat.

We want PvP to be consensual and fun for all involved. However, it is not possible to hide behind stubborn refusal or a power imbalance if your PC is acting in a provocative manner. A DM can act as arbiter and decide upon the conditions and consequences in your stead if necessary.

On the rules of combat[]

There are many ways to fight, some cleaner than others. Decide in advance if:

- PCs can buff/armour themselves leading up to a fight

- Ranged weapons and hit and run tactics are allowed

- Potions, scrolls and wands are allowed

- Grenades, traps and poisons are allowed

- Involvement of other creatures (PCs, monsters, summons etc.) is allowed

- Use of magic items or activated abilities is allowed

- Use of spells or weapons is appropriate

- Other things should be restricted

In a fight to the death PCs have less reason to refrain from using everything at their disposal than they would in a friendly bar brawl. Hit and run attacks might constitute a loss in an honourable duel but be allowed during a chase.

Rules can also be one-sided to give weaker sides an advantage. For instance, a powerful PC may fight unarmoured because they were caught off-guard, or a higher level sorcerer might wish to avoid collateral damage in a civilized area and so keeps to lower level spells.

On the victory conditions[]

There are different ways to win a fight. Some carry on to -10 HP, others stop at 0 HP, at the Badly Injured state, after 3 hits, 10 rounds, 5 spells or when either side becomes paralyzed. The winner is usually the one left in best health.

At other times it's best to ignore the basic combat system and rely more on prompted die rolls, or to alternate a few rounds of combat with a breathing space to type out verbal jabs.

In most cases, a PC can also end combat through a spoken yield or by fleeing the area. This will count as a loss for them.

On the consequences of victory and defeat[]

A fight must have a purpose for your character. It could be they seek a death or a mutilation, but it may also be about making an arrest or settling a legal dispute, about confiscating an item or resolving a love triangle, getting someone off their back or out of their territory, proving their worth or winning a bet, forcing an apology or humiliating an opponent in front of their peers. Or about avoiding any of the above.

When a fight is over, it should have lasting consequences. Most often it's the losing PC who must change their general behaviour and their attitude towards the triumphant one. By deciding just what changes and how before the swords are even drawn, everyone knows what to expect from both outcomes.

If a fight is carried on in or near negative HP, it's also good to decide whether the losing side can expect to be healed or revived if necessary.

Please be aware that it's often better to turn a criminal PC over to the authorities or to silence a PC by roughing them up than it is to kill and dispose of them. Whenever possible you should let your fellow players play, and trust that they'll honour the terms of your character's victory.

On exceptions[]

Note that these rules make it impossible to assassinate an unsuspecting PC. It is permissible (but not advised) to skip the pre-PvP posturing if both sides agree and a DM is present to oversee the event. Win/Loss/Failure conditions must still be established, as well as a timeframe within which the ambush may take place. Naturally, the victim PC may not use this meta-information to deviate from their normal routine.

On violations[]

If PvP rules are broken by a player, please report this to a DM. It’s recommended to take screenshots (with the PrintScreen button) of the entire process or to save the combat and chat logs at least. That way DMs can examine proof of the situation.

The DMs will establish guilt and penalties, which can range from a slap on the wrist to a ban. They will also attempt to restore anything which was lost in the attack based on screenshot evidence. For purposes of roleplay, the incident never took place.

Condensed Rules[]

1) Make sure everyone involved is fine with PvP taking place. Characters should be allowed to back out, effectively a mild form of surrender, unless a DM rules otherwise.

2) Decide on the win/loss conditions (e.g. character is dropped to Badly Injured or leaves the area) and on the win/loss consequences for the characters involved (hand over the magic weapon, pay me ten silvers and stop going after my magic weapon, etc.). Defeated characters are expected to honour these conditions, at least for a reasonable period of time (which is best defined too).

3) Decide on the means of PvP (e.g. no magic, no potions). Unless specified, anything goes (players would be well advised to post rulesets on the forum to refer to rather than discussing all possible combat aspects every time, since that can take a while).

4) When all participants are explicitly in agreement, PvP may take place.

Any PCs in the area who may intervene should be involved in the process. Any NPCs in the area respond as DMs see fit, and additional consequences to the fighting may apply.

Player Notes[]

The following does not reflect the overall server attitude/perspective/rules.

Third parties may encounter a PvP situation, please be respectful of the players and their characters. This may mean pausing the PvP scenario to clue the players/characters in. Other players/characters are not going to know what is going on if they happen upon a PvP encounter. The consequences both IC and OOC are impactful if the on-going PvP situation is not communicated properly.

The following command can be used to make combat on the same playing field or lesser, but it is in no way a substitute to fair terms.

@lower - followed by a character trait, an amount and a duration, this makes your PC weaker for a time. Abilities, saves and skills work just as with the @roll command but can also be lowered as a group. Other options include speed, damage, ab, ac and sr.

Favoured Enemy does not work in PvP.

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