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The Easting Reach Wiki
Ir ranger

Rangers are skilled stalkers, hunters, pathfinders and wardens. Though they travel light, shunning the heaviest weapons and armour, their martial prowess is respectable and Rangers can call upon several tricks and blessings when they are in the wilderness.

Rangers may serve a local lord, protecting a forest from poachers or tracking known criminals down for arrest. Others answer to a Druid or watch over an area on their own initiative. Many Rangers act as scout in the Warswords, run messages across large distances, guide travellers through the mountains, specialize in exterminating hated monsters or simply live alone as trapper on the frontier. Whatever their profession, the Ranger is widely considered a wilderness expert and is usually well regarded.

WARNING: To cast a spell, a ranger must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level. For example, to cast a 3rd-level spell, a ranger must have a Wisdom of 13.



Level BAB Saves Feats HP range   Base Spells Per Day   Bonuses vs.
Fav. Enemy
Fort Ref Will 1st 2nd
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Favoured Enemy, Tracking, Trackless Step   8±CON Modifier - - +2
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Combat Style: Dual Wield or Archery 16±CON Modifier - - +2
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Scavenge 24±CON Modifier - - +2
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Animal Companion*, Favoured Enemy 32±CON Modifier 0 - +4
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Hunter's Readiness 40±CON Modifier 0 - +4
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Improved Combat Style, Animal Companion* 48±CON Modifier 1 - +4
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Woodland Stride 54±CON Modifier 1 - +4
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Favoured Enemy 64±CON Modifier 1 0 +6

*There is a known issue where Animal Companion does not work for Rangers at Level 4 - even though a companion may be selected when reaching 4th level - but it becomes available at Level 6.


  • Favoured Enemy - The Ranger deals +2 divine damage vs the chosen race. The same modifier applies to skill checks vs that race, either as bonus or as penalty. At level 4 and 8, the bonus increases by a further +2 and the Ranger can choose an extra racial type. Any racial type can be chosen, including mindless foes like constructs, oozes and plants.
  • Tracking - The Ranger can make a Survival check to discover where someone last left the area. This ability can also be used to read the tracks of monsters and animals, gaining information about their type, number and activities.
  • Trackless Step - The Ranger gains a +4 bonus to Stealth in outdoor areas.
  • Combat Style - The Ranger can activate this feat to select either a Dual Wield or an Archery path. Both paths grant combat feats at level 2, 6 and 11 which only work while the Ranger is wearing light or no armour. Dual Wield feats are Dual Wield (combined Ambidexterity and Two Weapon Fighting), Blade Storm (group feat for electrical bonus damage) and Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Archery feats are Rapid Shot, Arrow Storm (group feat for an attack bonus) and Volley (improved Rapid Shot).
  • Scavenge - Once/day, the Ranger gains a d6 bonus to Heal and Set Trap after scavenging for supplies for as many rounds. This effect lasts for 5 rounds.
  • Animal Companion - The Ranger can summon their Animal Companion once/day. The creature follows the Ranger until gravely wounded or dismissed. The type of companion can be chosen through the Craft menu, or at level-up from level 6 onwards.
  • Hunter's Readiness - The Ranger gains a +WIS bonus to AC and saving throws vs a single racial type (+1 if it is also a racial enemy) for one hour after each rest. The racial type can be changed through the craft menu once per 48 hours.
  • Woodland Stride - The Ranger is immune to Grease, Web and Entangle spells.

Animal Companions[]

All information provided, excluding the notes column, on the table are for animal companions when they are level 1. Animal companions have their own ability score increases and skills increases at certain levels. AC on the table includes their DEX modifier. All creature weapon attacks add their STR modifier; this is NOT the amount of attacks they receive per round. All animal companions have 8 HP before CON modifier.

Level BAB Saves Notes HP Range   Armor Class & Attack   Ability Scores
Fort Ref Will AC Attack 1 Attack 2 Attack 3 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Brown Bear 0 +3 +2 +0 Highest damage but lower ability score average 9 15 1d8 - 1d6 18 10 12 6 10 8
Golden Eagle 0 +2 +7 +0 Increased Perception; Truesight at level 7+ 8 20 1d4 - - 12 20 10 6 10 8
Giant Spider 0 +4 +6 +0 STR poison on hit, increased at level 4 and 8 10 19 1d2 - - 10 18 14 6 10 8
Grey Wolf 0 +4 +4 +0 Increased piercing damage 10 17 1d6 - - 14 14 14 6 10 8
Large Snake 0 +2 +6 +0 DEX poison on-hit starting at level 5 8 19 1d3 - 1d6 14 18 10 6 10 8
Lynx 0 +3 +6 +0 Sneak Attack 1d6 at level 3, 2d6 at level 7 9 19 1d4 - - 12 18 12 6 10 8
Mountain Goat 0 +5 +5 +0 +1 reflex per 2 levels. Evasion at level 4 11 18 1d4 - - 10 16 16 6 10 8
Red Fox 0 +4 +5 +1 +1 will per level 10 18 1d4 - - 12 16 14 6 10 8
Reindeer 0 +6 +2 +0 Increased bludgeoning damage 12 15 1d6 - - 14 10 18 6 10 8
Wild Boar 0 +5 +2 +0 Increased piercing damage 11 15 1d6 - - 16 10 16 6 10 8
Wolverine 0 +3 +4 +0 Increased slashing damage 9 17 1d6 - - 16 14 12 6 10 8


Rangers now have access to different spells. For changes to spell, please refer to the spell list link.

1st level spells 2nd level spells


Table is unconfirmed as server accurate, based on vanilla. Server specific spells to be added later.

Ranger Metamagic
Name Level Extend (1st) Silent (1st) Still (1st)
Camouflage 1 yes yes yes
Cure Light Wounds 1 no yes yes
Entangle 1 yes yes yes
Grease 1 yes yes yes
Magic Fang 1 yes yes yes
Resist Elements 1 yes yes yes
Summon Creature I 1 yes yes yes
Ultravision 1 yes yes yes

New Spells[]

  • Goodberries: A Berry item is created, carrying 1d3+1 charges. Each use heals 1 hp. After 2 hours the berries become useless and are removed.
  • Lesser Vigour: The target of this spell regenerates 1 hp/round for a period of 5 rounds + 1 round/level (up to 5). Multiple castings are not cumulative, but they can be combined with other sources of Regeneration. Non-living creatures are not affected.
  • Longstrider: The caster's movement speed is increased by 15% for a duration of 2 turns/level


Rangers may craft and set Traps.

Prestige Routes[]

This assumes the character has only a single class to meet the requirements and is non-human before taking the prestige class (PrC). Human characters will have greater flexibility in regards to feat progression due to the extra feat granted at character creation by their racial bonus, Quick to Master. Some class routes to prestige may also favour multi-classing in order to more effectively meet pre-requisites or to better synergise the character's skill set to suit the PrC, however caution is advised as most PrCs have strict skill requirements (meeting the unmodified rank, not a modified rank) and the wrong combination of classes (due to cross-classing of skills) may result in further delaying and reducing the levels of a prestige class obtainable or render it entirely unobtainable for the character.

Prestige Class Minimum Ranger Class Level Maximum Prestige Class Level Skill Skill Skill Feat Feat
Assassin 4th Level 4th Level 7 ranks in Stealth 1st Level 3 ranks in Sense Motive at 3rd Level - Blind Fight at 1st or 3rd Level -
Blackguard 5th Level 3rd Level 4 ranks in Intimidate at 5th Level - - Cleave at 1st Level Great Cleave at 3rd Level
Breach Guard 4th Level 4th Level - - - Toughness at 1st or 3rd Level -
Shadowdancer 4th Level 4th Level 7 ranks in Stealth at 4th Level 7 ranks in Balance at 4th Level - Mobility at 1st Level or 3rd Level -
Sword Leader 5th Level 3rd Level 8 ranks in Ride at 5th Level 4 ranks in Sense Motive at 5th Level - Shield Proficiency Automatically granted at 1st Level Great Shield Proficiency at 1st or 3rd Level
Wild Shot 4th Level 4th Level 7 ranks in Perception at 4th Level - - Point Blank Shot at 1st Level Rapid Shot at 2nd Level via Ranger Combat Style: Ranged Combat; 3rd Level
Witch Hunter 4th Level 4th Level 7 ranks in Perception at 4th Level 4 ranks in Set Trap at 1st Level 3 ranks in Spellcraft at 3rd Level Arcane Defense at 3rd Level -
Base Classes BarbarianBardCivilianDruidFighterMonkPaladinPriestRangerRogueSorcererWizard
Prestige Classes Arcane ArcherAssassinBlackguardBreach GuardDaemonbinderHarper ScoutHigh MagePale MasterShadowdancerShifterSkincarverSpirit CallerSword LeaderTriadic KnightWeapon MasterWild ShotWitch Hunter