There are various custom voice commands, a character may speak to get special results. On each the result varies based on what target is selected.
Before using any, make sure you have the selection tool (from your starting inventory) added to the hotbar for quick access.
More detailed descriptions may be found inside the IG journal, as well as the full variety of commands.
Basic Commands[]
@check To check (insert) that is on cooldown cap (to check XP cap), penalty (to check XP penalty), respawn (to check if you are able to respawn next after having already respawned), rest (to check when you last rested), familiar (to check when you are able to summon your familiar), companion (to check when you are able to summon your animal companion), henchman (to check the time remaining on your henchman?)
@select When followed by a player or PC name, this works just like the Selection Tool. "@select me" selects your own PC.
@selected A reminder of your current selection.
@coin Counts the coins in your inventory for you.
@runtime How long it's been since the last server reset.
@save To save your character to the servervault.
@delete To permanently delete your character from the servervault.
@killme To kill your slain character to become a ghost faster rather than waiting five minutes for help or to become a ghost.
@home Marks your present location. You can always return there from the starting area.
@locate To get general locations of those on the server
@makesafe Use this when you are stuck in places your PC cannot get out of by normal means, e.g. behind a locked door, on odd walls, etc.
This command is only for when your character is stuck on terrain/object that causes them to not being able to move by normal means to get them unstuck. This is not intended to abuse/exploit movement around the server. This command is logged when used to aid in altering areas that may have issues with movement.
Alteration Commands[]
Select an item using your selection tool and use this command to give it a different name.
E.g. @name A Sharp Knife
You can change the descriptions of your PC, or any of their belongings.
In order to make a description more detailed, multiple lines may be added, if the command is given again in short order... For example
@description A willowy man, with a farmers scythe never far from his perpetually callused hands. His most notable feature is one eye which habitually pops a blood-vessel to win the staring contests which are so often used for introductions around Impiltur.
@description His simple peasant garb is sometimes adorned with a rusted breast plate, but almost always a wide brimmed work-hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and off his neck.
@description He can usually be observed quietly chewing a long piece of grass.
The blank lines serve to seperate the paragraphs. The same rules apply to items possesed by the PC. For both it's suggested you keep a text file to copy/paste from, rather than trying to write it out IG.
@description followed by UNDO or RESET clears the text.
@portrait Followed by the name of the portrait (e.g. @portrait po_hu_m_01_), this changes your PC's portrait.
@decorate Toggles area decoration mode. While on, items your PC drops aren't removed when the area resets.
@examine Inspects a PC's interpretation of their character attributes. Set yours in the Craft menu.
@scale It can only be used in the starting area to change the scale of your characters within 15% of their standard height. The command uses either one or two parameters. Use two for feet/inches (e.g. "@scale 5 6" for 5'6") or one for centimeters ("@scale 177.4" for 177.4 cm).
@companionlook Changes the appearance of your animal companion depending on the type of animal you have chosen.
AFK and Follow Commands[]
@afk Toggles your afk status on and off. No special protection is granted.
@follow To automatically follow another PC near you.
@lead To force another PC to follow you automatically, after a few minutes pass without objection.
@block Rejects attempts to @lead your PC from the latest source.
@release Cancels your automatic travel route as though you've clicked on a milestone
@recall To call your summon, familiar or animal companion to your current position
@leader To teleport to the party leader, only available as a level 1. This command should not be used to insert a level 1 character into an on-going roleplay situation without in-character justification to be present.
RP Commands[]
@work A way for characters to earn a small amount of coin and XP, when not adventuring. Any NPC may be selected for this (from the named barkeep, to the generic nobleman...). Your work location is also locked in, going more than one screen away during a shift causes forfeiture of wages (ending the shift one screen away, will still net full pay). As does wearing the wrong clothes at the end of your shift (you may technically hop into another outfit mid shift, so long as you return to the uniform before it ends).
They will slowly earn more as they perform more shifts for a single employer.
- Selected none: Brings up the below @work commands information, and if "@work WORD" sets your job description for DM logs to specify WORD.
- @work title (insert self named job title); player names their job
- @work employer; player must select the NPC they wish to have as their employer and use this command
- @work uniform; player must select an armor/clothes as their uniform to attach to their work
- @work start; player begins their shift with this command
- @work end; player ends their shift with this command
- Selected NPC: Assign boss, must be repeated to confirm (as it resets your pay level). It also locks in a uniform that may not be changed.
- Selected self: Begins 60 minute shift.
Ideally your job should be something your character would be interested in doing when not adventuring, even working the inn to pay for room and board. It's meant to add a small layer of immersion, not demean anyone.
- Do not use armor for your work uniform. Sooner or later you will find a better set. Whereas clothing can be retailored without problems.
- Be inventive. Any one employer might have a hundred tasks to be done within the radius (meaning working for an unnamed nobleman in Sarshel, you can explore a good chunk of the city).
- Never fear abandoning a shift. The point of the game is RP.
@rep In essence a rumors tool, to only be applied to others, never yourself. The selection tool does not matter, as there is no immediate implication.
Using @rep creates a log file, reviewed by the DMs so they have a better sense the type of reputation someone is getting for their deeds (rather than just how they interact with event NPCs). This may even be used on event NPCs, so that DMs have a better idea of the true public perception of those characters and related events.
To use the tool apply the following layout to what your type IG "@rep [name, even if mispelled] [description of event]." You may even use the tool to pass along a rumor you heard (basically indicating the rumor is popular).
@tithe Some characters like to give to charity. Rather than it being implied to happen, or PMing DMs to take your money, you can do it yourself.
The layout of the command is "@tithe [value in copper] [destination and/or descripion]"
Examples: "@tithe 1000 to Temple of [god name]" means you just did a traditional tithe (even if you have not technically found said temple IG), appropriate for characters of strong religious devotion. "@tithe 500 Blankets for the orphange," which is not to say 500 blankets were given, but 500 copper peices worth of blankets. "@tithe 200 Sent home to family" sends 200 of your hard earned copper, to your character's family whereever they are.
Using this command not only takes your money, but also adds notes to a log file, which in turn may affect NPC opinions seen during events.
@note use this to log in RP notes pertaining to your character or others that you'd like DMs to be aware of. e.g. "Thorin discovered a mysterious carving he believed to be of his patron god, and knelt for hours after dusk before it in silent contemplation." Notes do not affect reputation.
@roll This is your dicebag. Use "@roll 10" to roll a d10, "@roll STR" to make a strength attribute check, "@roll reflex" for a reflex save check, "@roll arcana" for a Knowledge: Arcana skill check and so on.
@lower followed by a character trait, an amount and a duration, this makes your PC weaker for a time. Abilities, saves and skills work just as with the @roll command but can also be lowered as a group. Other options include speed, damage, ab, ac and sr.
@unidentify this marks an item as Unidentified. Identifying an item often costs money.
@equip attempts to equip an unidentified item. Cursed items may be impossible to remove without magic.
@strip Dispels current buffs your character has, removing their visual effects. This is particularly useful when taking screenshots or entering town where such ostentatious display may be a disadvantage.
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