Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None.
Specifics: This feat allows use of all weapons.
Normal: Weapons impose an Untrained attack penalty (-2 to -4) if the character does not have the appropriate Weapon Proficiency feat.
Use: All classes except Druid can automatically handle all weapons.
- Characters with Weapon Handling are able to take Weapon Focus in any weapon including those they are not usually proficient with and doing so will also grant them proficiency with that weapon type if they were not already proficient in it. This is a custom change to TER to assist character customisation and allow for more cohesive character backgrounds especially in cases where previously a character might have required exotic weapon proficiency only to specialise in a single weapon and may not have had any in-character basis for proficiency in a range of unrelated exotic weapons. An iconic example of this is dwarves taking Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe symbolising their racial weapon of preference rather than being forced to take the Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) feat which may not be in-character appropriate for them just for specialising in a single weapon from that proficiency category.
- Weapon proficiency granted by weapon focus will also make the PC eligible for the improved critical feat in the weapon they have focused on, provided of course they meet the other pre-requisite for improved critical (BAB +8).