For the weapon master, perfection is found in the mastery of a single melee weapon. A weapon master seeks to unite this weapon of choice with his body, to make them one, and to use the weapon as naturally and without thought as any other limb.
- Hit Die: d6.
- AB Progression: High.
- Primary Save: Reflex.
- Skill Points: 3 + Int Modifier.
- Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge, Parry, Perception.
- Base Attack Bonus: +4.
- Feats: Dodge, Disarm, Weapon Focus in a Melee weapon.
- Skills: Intimidate 8.
Lvl | BAB | Saves | Feats | HP range | Ki Damage | |||
Fort | Ref | Will | Usage | |||||
1st | +1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Ki Damage, Weapon of Choice | 6±CON Modifier | 1x | |
2nd | +2 | +0 | +3 | +0 | Called Shot | 12±CON Modifier | 2x | |
3rd | +3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Increased Multiplier | 18±CON Modifier | 3x |
Not Accessible
Lvl | BAB | Saves | Feats | HP range | Ki Damage | |||
Fort | Ref | Will | Usage | |||||
4th | +4 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Superior Weapon Focus | 24±CON Modifier | 4x | |
5th | +5 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Ki Critical | 30±CON Modifier | 5x |
- Weapon of Choice - The Weapon Master's abilities (except Called Shot) only apply to weapons of this type.
- Ki Damage - Once per day per level, while using the Weapon of Choice, the Weapon Master deals maximum damage on the next attack if it hits.
- Called Shot - This feat allows targetted attacks against the head, arms or legs using any weapon.
- Increased Multiplier - The Weapon of Choice's Critical Hit multiplier is increased by +1.
- Superior Weapon Focus - The Weapon Master gains +1 AB on all attacks with the Weapon of Choice.
- Ki Critical - The Weapon of Choice's threat range is increased by 2.
Class Route to Prestige[]
This assumes the character has only a single class to meet the requirements and is non-human before taking the prestige class (PrC). Human characters will have greater flexibility in regards to feat progression due to the extra feat granted at character creation by their racial bonus, Quick to Master. Some class routes to prestige may also favour multi-classing in order to more effectively meet pre-requisites or to better synergise the character's skill set to suit the PrC, however caution is advised as most PrCs have strict skill requirements and the wrong combination of classes (due to cross-classing of skills) may result in further delaying and reducing the levels of a prestige class obtainable or render it entirely unobtainable for the character.
Base Class | Minimum Base Class Level | Maximum Prestige Class Level | Intimidate | Dodge | Disarm | Weapon Focus |
Barbarian | 6th Level | 2nd Level | 5th Level | 1st or 3rd Level | 6th level advised | 1st or 3rd Level |
Bard | 6th Level | 2nd Level | 5th Level | 1st or 3rd Level | 6th level advised | 1st or 3rd Level |
Fighter | 5th Level | 3rd Level | 5th Level | 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Level | 5th level advised | 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Level |
Note: It is advised to take the Disarm feat last from the three pre-requisite feats due to the high AB requirement of successfully pulling off the manouevre.
All prestige classes require a PC to met the real (unmodified) rank of a skill, refer to Skills for clarification, in order to progress into the prestige class.
Classes | ||
Base Classes | Barbarian • Bard • Civilian • Druid • Fighter • Monk • Paladin • Priest • Ranger • Rogue • Sorcerer • Wizard | |
Prestige Classes | Arcane Archer • Assassin • Blackguard • Breach Guard • Daemonbinder • Harper Scout • High Mage • Pale Master • Shadowdancer • Shifter • Skincarver • Spirit Caller • Sword Leader • Triadic Knight • Weapon Master • Wild Shot • Witch Hunter |